Sunday, September 15, 2013

Urban Culture

Sabrina Brown                                                                                                Brown
Sep 16,2013


Culture to me is a category of hobbies and characteristics that a group of people has in common.  I identify myself as being linked to the urban culture. The music I listen to, the grammar I use, the movies I love, the places I go, are characterized into the urban culture. They way I was raised also plays a role in the culture I identify with.

Music plays a huge role in the culture you identify with. For example, I listen to a lot of rap music. Not just mainstream rap that you hear on the radio though. In Chicago there are a lot of young underground rappers. Being an underground rapper you do not go that far beyond where you are popular. When I am at a party that is the music that is being played and the mainstream radio hits. When I am in the car with my friends that is the music we play. Not only Chicago music, a lot of underground rappers from different places. When I listen to someone’s iPod we have the similar songs. I think music is one of the most powerful and influential things in our society. That is why it plays such a huge role in the urban culture.

I feel that movies are also a factor that plays into culture. Movies like, Love and Basketball, Poetic Justice, Juice, and Blue Hill Avenue to name a few. We like the same movies because we have the same interest.
Where you live and your surroundings are characteristics of your culture you identify with. Urban culture is usually more in the lower income areas around the world. That does not mean that someone in a rich neighborhood cannot be apart of the urban culture. Defining what culture you are apart of is mostly about what interest you and what you can relate to.

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