Sunday, October 6, 2013

BLOG 3 Analysis of beautiful Losers

                            Edward ‘Ed’ Templeton

   I chose Ed because i felt connected with the series of interviews with this artists explaining his reason behind the whole  "do-it-yourself" style of street art. He discuss the growth in popular art of skate culture then explain how becoming admired in the art around the world was something that never occurred to him from different styles in skateboard street culture, or simply making a art for the skate world  themselves. ED was more into the graphics and skating. So he starting doing art graphics for the boards and t-shirts. I feel as if I can connect with this. I feel the same way with art just not with skateboarding as much. I look at it as if it’s me and my music and graphics.
  How I would want like maybe a logo for my name or graphic t-shirts to wear for my whole team and fans. I connected with Ed and the whole thing of art skateboarding and music thing, because I’m a huge fan of Pharrell and Terry Kennedy and their whole music and skating movement.  I feel it’s a good thing for Ed to be interested in the art and skating, it should make the whole skate world more broad than just skating. Look at it more as art-skating or skating with art and style.
  I like how Ed is compared to so many, such as Tony Hawkand the "sporting good stores" instead, He was compared with "teenage misfits" and paint works and art galleries. I feel he strengthens ones perception of art. He can interest more people than just the people who are into just art. Like it can help you find who you are drawing on a skateboard to show who you are. The board doesn’t necessarily mean you’re into art. It could be your paper to sketch on, your microphone to record with, your needle to sew or something like that. Ed has made art more borad than what it seems.

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