Sunday, November 17, 2013


The art piece i chose was "Dunepark" , it was room full of tools somewhat like a garage. It was kind of mixed with an office type room.  The piece was created in 2009 when the artist was invited to create for an exhibition in Dutch seaside resort. it was suppose to be based off of world war 11. i see it as more than what he see's it as. when i first seen it popped out to me, with all the tools and office materials it looked to me as if those were to the tools to building your life. Im not saying it like building your house or something of that sort. Its more of a mental thought when you're  looking at the image. With the piece being in chicago, its like their telling you or more so showing you that you can build your life any type of way that you choose no matter what tools you have. whether its from from handy man to office supplies. i just feel as if the piece was there to make you think in depth thoughts on building with choices.

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