Wednesday, November 27, 2013

final blog: FCC

Final Blog: The Fortune Cookie Chronicles

In The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, Jennifer 8. Lee goes on a phenomenal adventure that takes everyone on an informative journey throughout Chinese Food and it’s culture. Lee keeps a very informative tone throughout the book as well as adventurous and analytical. 
Throughout the chapters, we learn of Lee’s exploration through not only China (like the hometown to General Tso), but the states, too. In Chapter 8, Lee shows her adventurous and informative tone and in Chapter 14 as well. For instance, in Chapter 8, Lee states, “For the past two decades, the vast majority of Chinese restaurant workers in the U.S. have come from a Delaware-sized region in southeast China...” This is an informative quote about the immigrants and their stories.
The numerous tones that flow in this book, definitely keep the reader somewhat on their toes. Whether it’s an adventure or something we are

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