Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Final BLog

In this novel The Fortune cookie chronicle Jennifer is exploring the huge culture of Chinese food. It all started when she was in investigating how all winners kept receiving identical numbers. From there, she enters into other interesting events in Chinese food history, such as the international soy sauce trade dispute and the question of who really invented chop suey. In her adventure She interviewed everyone from a Taipei chef who invented the original General Tso’s chicken, to an executive with the company that makes those trapezoidal Chinese take-out boxes. The book is loaded with interesting trivia for example (page 208-212) Chinese food is served on all seven continents and there are more Chinese food restaurants in the United States than McDonalds, Wendys and Burger Kings combined. I feel she is representing her thoughts this way because this how she likes to express herself which is digging deep to find out things about the different cultures. She seems to have a drive to want to learn more and more once she starts relearning for example when she was learning about the chicken, she began to start comparing all to others like the mcdonalds nuggets or the different sauces like the Chinese sauces were a Chinese version of the American sauces such as BBQ sauce, honey mustard, or even sweet and sour .shes been comparing and contrasting a lot through out the story.

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