Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Fortune Cookie Chronicles Final Blog post - Due Posted by Wednesday

Looking at one main element of the writing, (structure, style, tone, texture, theme) create a blog post. This post should highlight one writerly technique, and make a statement about the function it has in the novel.

You should incorporate three quotes from FCC to back up your ideas about this writerly technique. Use the quotes as proof for your argument, and remember to analyze extensively. How does this element in the book strengthen it? Why do you think Jennifer 8. Lee presents her thoughts in this way?

Also, in you blog post's thesis identify one meaningful discovery you have made while reading the book, or identify one meaning realization that Jennifer 8. Lee has in the novel.

Example of thesis:

In the novel, The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, Jennifer 8. Lee uses an informative, yet comedic tone to introduce her readers to the hidden traits of, and unknown facts regarding, Chinese American culture. 

1 comment:

  1. Final Blog (Fortune Cookie Chronicles)
    Gianna Cumba

    In the Novel, The Fortune Cookie Chronicles, Jennifer 8.Lee has a common cultural theme with a very informal and informative tone, thus giving the audience a very easily understood background of the Chinese American culture. Throughout this book I have discovered that there are immigrants who are not just smuggled into the United States but to get into the U.S. they actually pay thousands of dollars.

    “It is in the region around Fuzhou, in a little fishing village called Houyu, where Micheal’s journey began in1991. Houyu, whose name means “Monkey Island,”has no monkeys and is not an island.” This quote helps you understand the history of a behind the Chinese individuals the people who came long ways to be that person that cooks your fried rice. Jennifer 8.Lee gives you the history background with the most casual informal tone because its not meant to be takin serious, it was just meant to be informative to the reader.

    “ The typical Fujianese immigrant either paid tens of thousands of dollars to be smuggled to the United States or followed a family member who had emigrated.” This quote in particular is informative with a cultural aspect when it comes to Fujianese culture. This kind of detail Jennifer 8.Lee gives helps the reader understand the side of certain Chinese cultures who have gone through many things and paid so much money just to get to the United States.

    “Ronald Reagans signing of the 1986 Immigration and Control Act, which offered amnesty to any undocumented aliens who could prove, by the November 1988 deadline, that they had been living in the United States on or before January 1, 1982.” This background information that Jennifer has added into this chapter definitely gives you a historical understanding. It gives you understanding of what particular government Acts were signed regarding illegal immigrants. I believe that Jennifer 8.Lee presents her thoughts in these ways because it is in some way important to her and her culture and she can’t explain her findings without going to the very beginning of all of it which is where the historical information she puts into her story comes into play.
