Sunday, November 3, 2013

"Joyas Voladoras" Brian Doyle Analysis - KiAnna McKinley

What I noticed in Doyle’s style of writing is that there are a lot of imagery and sensory being used to convey his message across. What is happening in the final paragraph, it ends with a depressing tone. The essay eventually changes over from it starting to talk about the hummingbird to the blue whale and then ending it with talking about the human, by the way Doyle goes into depth describing and analyzing each of the creatures to the finest detail possible. Then implies somewhat a personal twist, or some form of personal connection to the human portion of the essay. 
            The word “heart” goes through the various process of  it being beating rapidly to which could possibly be related to the way society in the city are moving / living life at a fast pace, and not being able to slow down because if it were to it would not start again. Which in comparison is like humans, the heart is pumping all the time until the very last moment of the life cycle. Whereas the  heart of the Blue Whale is considered to be, in comparison to human lifestyle, to be enjoying life to the fullest, and possibly the life in rural area or country. As far as the human heart it is portrayed as fragile and vulnerable even though there are walls being placed around it.

            I believe that this essay could be considered as a personal essay, because there are many key points / aspects that we as the readers can make various connections to human behaviors as well as can make a personal connection to the emotional aspects too. For example, “When young we think there will come one person who will savor and sustain us always; when we are older we know this is the dream of a child, that all hearts finally are bruised and scarred, scored and torn, repaired by time and will, patched by force of character, yet fragile and rickety forevermore, no matter how many bricks you bring to the wall.” This quote everyone could relate to because, at least almost everyone in this world has faced heartache, a broken pride, shattered dreams, a moment of disappointment or even a moment where they had to protect themselves from being hurt again.

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