Monday, November 18, 2013


During the self-guided MCA tour, there were many pieces of art that really spoke to me. However, the one I finally finalized on was Tacita Dean’s Death of a Priest from her “The Russian Ending” collection. Each piece from this collection were copies from old postcards the artist found in flea markets around Europe.
With Death of a Priest, I believe this one in particular had caught my attention at first because of the written notes (which each piece of the collection has). This one, though,  just held a certain something, as in a feeling of it showing the end and a new beginning at the same time. I think this photo connects to people on different levels, whether their excited about life, or down about death. It had me feeling both the excitement and the sadness. It had me thinking about decisions I've made and resentments. This piece it really is just a thoughtful work, something that makes you stop and think about life and then even death. 

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